Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Leaders, where are they?

Another meeting, another hour of my life I won't get back.

No agenda, no definite outcome no proposals just a general get together to see if anyone may have any ideas about how we may progress or develop a service with no clear vision and no clear lead.....what could go wrong!

Again, no one person allowed anyone to finish their sentence no one person encouraged another with a definite "yes, that could work", just a sort of positive mumble followed by a stream of , "but have you thought of" and "yes but what about" and not one person offered to work with anyone else on their idea.

Everyone wanted to run with their own idea and be in charge of everything but were not prepared to put in the hours to make it happen. So many willing supervisors and oversee ers (is that a word?) but no flaming workers.

Why do we have so many meetings? Is it to try and find a common ground, make everyone feel involved, info gathering or just to make us feel important and productive.

I'm all for everyone having a say which is acknowledged and valued but we need leaders to have a central vision to run and lead from within. A good leader will be followed. People want to buy into a clear vision and model and affect the pathway to which a common goal is achieved but for it to be successful the outcome must be well defined and the pathway to achievement closely monitored and controlled.

It seem such a shame that we appear to lack those leaders who will stand up for their convictions and say follow me we can do this together, who will empower and facilitate people to collectively achieve a central vision but will stand firm on the purpose and direction.

I think people want to be heard but within the safety of a caring environment where we value each other but each have a clearly defined role within a structure where we allow those who can take up the slack and the pressure do so and guide those who need to be led whilst empowering them to achieve in their area of talent.

We need each other, why can't we look at each others good qualities, recognise we are all different and we are all as important as each other. By agreeing this we can see we are all equal and we could achieve so much if we joined together and worked as one towards a common goal, be it in our work place, the church and in business.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Dental Angel

I had to go to the dentist today, I am soooooooooooooooo scared of needles and blood. I have had four children by normal delivery and I would rather do that again than go see a dentist. But, the pain got too much after my filling fell out so my beautiful hubby made me an appointment to stop me moaning and waking him at night. I managed to hold out for three months but apparently, I've been very grumpy and I now have an ulcer from taking too much Nurofen.

Dr Sharpell, Portsmouth Road is amazing! The man is a dental genius. One root canal identified and refilled within 30 mins and we managed to put the NHS to rights. No pain, he is an angel!

I grew up in Scotland where my parents owned the local store. We had an awesome selection of sweeties, those ones in those big jars which lined one wall. This mixed with spending a very large part of my life to date North of the border has resulted in several fillings (some are due to having a rather violent conflict with a Roller Hockey ball but that's another story) . It didn't ever get any better because once you have that sweet taste (I like deep fried mars bars!) your stuck!

To date, with creme eggs getting smaller every year thereby necessitating the consumption of two or more in any one sitting I fear some radical intervention may be required in my latter years.

Why didn't God make us like crocodiles..................

Monday, March 5, 2007


Why if there are 24 hours in a day do we only work for 9 of them?

I'm trying to rearrange my time to manage it better to complete the tasks I need to do and do the things I want to do.... but when I eventually get around to doing some tasks everyone I need to talk to and most systems I need to access are either asleep or closed shut down!

Sunday, March 4, 2007


Church at home today.

1030 start so plenty of time for a lie in.

The day comprises of five rounds of tea and coffee, homemade cakes and a full cooked two course meal. Everyone arrive, excellent company comprising six families, 33 in total, 19 of which are ages six months to nine years. The children are whisked away for an hour of fun packed children's activities whilst the grown ups drink tea and coffee and eat the stickier versions of the cakes. biscuits. They have the daunting task of chatting, praying and generally putting the world to rights. Then we all have dinner, home cooked food, buckets of it. Gooey puddings you wouldn't normally make for yourselves. Then more talking, Pool games and a film for the little guys and several of the dads normally. We all tidy up and go home in time for tea and bath / bed time for shattered children and partners.

This is church!!!! Man why doesn't everyone go!!

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Wow. How big?

This week I have been shown again how big God is. I had the privilege of looking after a lovely lady in the latter stages of her terminal illness. She had the advantage of knowing that she was soon to die, she had made the decision to stop all the treatment she was receiving. In making this choice she prepared herself for the inevitable and actively made peace with each member of her family, saying her goodbyes and thanking them for being a wonderful family. She was old and could be extremely difficult! She had ruled and led the family for over eighty years and did so to the last minute but she was wise and a believer. She knew she was going somewhere where there would be no more pain, no more debility where she could do what she wanted to do. She was happy that her suffering and the burden she felt she placed on her family would be over. A new beginning for all. She felt sorry for her girls she was leaving behind because she was off to a better place!
She passed away peacefully. A dead body looks so very different than a live one within seconds of death. That something, "the life" isn't there, the physical vessel looks exactly the same but that special unique thing that made them them has gone. God made this bit and God took it away. How awesome is that? There can be no doubt about God's existence when we see life.

It was a privilege to be with someone as they move on, to share in their preparation and in the "sorting" that facilitates their peace. It is such a personal thing and probably one of the most important things for her and her family, I was touched and moved by the frankness and openness that materialised as this family experienced the vulnerability of being in the presence of God's plan.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Time off

A day at home......I had a long soak in the bath ON MY OWN!

I had it REALLY hot with grown up bath oil (not Mr Matey) and I read a book and drank a cup of tea in the bath. No bubbles, no shaving foam pictures on the tiles no pricess mermaid and ponies in the bath just me....................it was so quiet and there was so much room!

That's me set now for another four months.

Friday, January 26, 2007


It's been a tough week! I'm on my knees. One too many things to do and not enough time to do them.

This week had the anniversary of one of our close friends dying. She was the same age as me, mum of three and God took her after a horrible eighteen months of treatment for lung cancer.

No matter what anyone says about her winning or finishing her race, being at peace, or having won her battle it still hurts like hell. I miss her and no matter how much I believe in God I'm still angry when I think of her because he took her away from us. We all prayed for healing and sat by her bedside for days bargaining and pleading, lots happened in our relationships and those of her family and with her and God but she still died. In human terms we have lost something so very precious and the multitude of emotions which accompany this I still cannot begin to understand or process.